Daisy Published: 10-10-2019 The sweetest little soul, Daisy arrived at our Humphrey Munson offices on Monday this week after being taken in by a concerned member of staff. It’s a very sad story of animal cruelty that has made us all feel very protective and to be honest, really quite upset that a fellow human could neglect a dog quite so badly. With a broken leg, a badly damaged nose and riddled with ticks and fleas, Daisy was quiet and very timid. We immediately got her over to the brilliant vets at Moloneys in Dunmow who kept her in to x-ray the leg and hip. Unfortunately, due to the damage sustained to the leg (it appears to have been broken for over a year), the vets have sadly confirmed she will have to have the leg amputated. She is now on medication to help with the pain and has been treated for fleas and ticks etc. Even in the recent days we’ve seen such a change in her in the office – today she was hopping around with a waggy tail and much brighter eyes. It’s just heartbreaking and unfathomable really to think someone could willingly leave a dog in so much pain for such a long period of time. As a nation of dog lovers, these stories of neglect and cruelty always strike a cord but it naturally hits home so much stronger when you see it right in front of you. Apparently, Britain was actually the first country in the world to start a welfare charity for animals in 1824 and today almost 20m cats and dogs have a loving place in the country’s homes! We want to appeal to all the pet owners out there to ask you to spare whatever you can to help to pay for the medical treatment and vets bills required which have been estimated to be around £2,500. Even the smallest donation would make a difference and we would be so grateful to help this little pup have a proper life and good future ahead at a loving home with owners who will look after her and ensure she has the best care possible. If you would like to help please click here to visit the GoFund me page set up to raise money. Any additional money raised will be donated to the RSPCA which is the UK’s largest animal welfare charity. We support their vision to one day live in a world where all animals are respected and treated with compassion. Thank you, Team HM x Share this article Copy this link https://www.humphreymunson.co.uk/daisy/ Share Copy link Previous Article The Dummer Fair | Treloar’s Trust Next Article Q&A with Rosanna Bossom