

HM paint colour ‘Farthing’ is a go-to light grey shade that works in every conceivable space, it doesn’t matter on the shape of size of the room, the light, the architecture, wherever it is used it’s always a resounding success.

A shade lighter than paint colour ‘Farthing II’ the two go hand in hand, however ‘Farthing’ is so versatile that it pairs beautifully with both lighter and darker colours and with a selection of different hardware from polished nickel, to aged brass and weathered bronze.

To illustrate this adaptable paint colour selected for a variety of cabinetry (that includes perimeter cabinetry, stand-alone pieces and ancillary rooms) take a look below…

C O T S W O L D  P R E P  K I T C H E N

Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog

View the Cotswold prep kitchen here.

N O R T H  C O R N W A L L  B E E C H  H O U S E

Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog

View the North Cornwall beach house project here.

G E O R G I A N  H U N T I N G  L O D G E

Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog

View the Georgian hunting lodge project here.

C R A N B R O O K  P R O J E C T

Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog

View the Cranbrook project here.

H E R T F O R D S H I R E  P R O J E C T

Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog

View the Hertfordshire project here.

G E O R G I A N  F A R M H O U S E  P R O J E C T

Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog
Farthing - Design Notes - Humphrey Munson Blog

View the Georgian farmhouse project here.

Easy to maintain, sustainably made and available in eggshell for cabinetry and emulsion for walls, the HM paint collection is made exclusively for us by Mylands. We chose to partner with Mylands for our bespoke paint range due to their unrivalled quality, attention to detail and wonderful customer service. The paints are available to HM clients only.

For more information about the design process at Humphrey Munson please email us at info@humphreymunson.co.uk or call us on 01371 821300.

Images: Paul Craig

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