Q&A with Organise-d | How to organise your home


Does an organised home equal an organised mind? Hayley and Gemma from Organise-d believe it does, and started their business creating decluttered, well-designed and de-stressed home living spaces. At HM we always seek to achieve calm and uncluttered kitchens in the home as we’ve always felt there is real peace in everything having a place and feeling orderly. Storage and planning are key for us, but we were keen to find out more about Organise-d and the tips they can share…

1. How did you meet and set up the company?

We met in 2005, Hayley went to school with Gemma’s husband, so when she met him, she also met her future best friend and business partner. Hayley was a Marketing Director, and Gemma was a Retail Director.  We loved our roles, but both faced the challenges of juggling London corporate careers alongside motherhood.  In 2020 we boldly decided to take the plunge and turn our passion into a business. Organise-d was born and we’ve have never looked back.

2. What services do you offer, and what areas of the country do you cover?

The majority of our work is in kitchens and dressing rooms. However, we organise every area of the home, from garages to playrooms, lofts to sheds! We specialise in implementing an easy-to-maintain system for our clients to ensure their home life is as stress-free as possible.  We are often booked for one area of the home and get rebooked to return shortly afterwards to organise the remainder of the house. We typically cover South East England but have been known to travel further for some clients.

3. What has been your most rewarding project to date?

Every project comes with its rewards. We are extremely passionate about easing our clients’ mental load, and seeing the benefits our work adds to their day-to-day life is so rewarding.

We recently helped a single-parent mother who had had to downsize her home.  She was in a state of overwhelm and had struggled to find space for all her belongings. The house was causing her a lot of stress, and she didn’t know where to start.

We focused on the master bedroom, kitchen and playroom and implemented a system that was easy for her to maintain on a day-to-day basis amongst the chaos of three young children.  The difference our work has made to her life has been incredible, and we are due to go back later in the year to help with some other areas of her home.  The emotion that this project evoked for both of us as mums made it hugely rewarding.

4. Can you share any tips for those who wish to organise their homes?

Start small and don’t try and do it all at once.  Choose an area or timeframe that works for you and go from there. Whether it’s a kitchen drawer or a bathroom cabinet, it’s amazing what you can achieve when you set your mind to it. Detox, categorise and contain – structure is key to long-term maintenance.

5. Lots of our clients pack up their homes when building work is going on and then unpack into the new home, which can be overwhelming. Do you have any advice for how to manage this process?

This is often when we are called upon. Packing up to move is by far the best time to detox – be ruthless, add detailed labels to boxes, and make sure to space plan your new home before you unpack! Space planning is key to ensuring a beautiful yet practical system is implemented.  We are always happy to give advice and expertise in this area.

6. What is next for Organise-d?

We have big plans for 2023 – watch this space! For more information about working with Organise-d, click here to visit their website.

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