Amelia Freer’s 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January


Getting back on track with healthy, nutritional eating is always tough after Christmas and New Year which is why we enlisted the help of Amelia Freer who has put together 10 recipes that promise to nourish your body throughout the coldest months of the year. Each recipe is packed full of seasonal and nutritious ingredients to help you get the ball rolling…

1. /  A P P L E  A N D  C I N N A M O N  P O R R I D G E

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Porridge - Humphrey Munson

This comforting bowl of porridge is always a welcome start to a cool winter’s day.

2. /  A M E L I A ‘ S  F A V O U R I T E  B R E A K F A S T

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Humphrey Munson

Nutritious, filling and will set you up for the day nicely.

3. /  B U S Y  D A Y  S M O O T H I E

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Smoothie - Humphrey Munson

Amelia’s go-to recipe for busy days that is sure to become a firm favourite for when you are in a rush.

4. /  C A R R O T  A N D  T U R M E R I C  S O U P

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Soup - Humphrey Munson

A delicious and powerful soup that takes so little prep but has maximum rewards for your body.

5. /  K A L E  A N D  B E A N  S O U P

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Soup - Humphrey Munson

A clean, simple, hearty winter soup.

6. /  C R I S P  A P P L E  &  F E N N E L  W I N T E R  S A L A D

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Humphrey Munson

Salads are not just for summer, this one is the perfect combination of creamy, crunchy and nutty.

7. /  G R E E N  S H A K S H U K A

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Shakshuka - Humphrey Munson

The ubiquitous brunch staple of red shakshuka gets a sensational spicy green make over here, and includes some of Amelia’s favourite flavours.

8. /  M U S H R O O M  &  T H Y M E  S O U P

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Mushroom soup - Humphrey Munson

Packed with mushrooms this recipe is both warming and packed with vitamins.

9. /  B A K E D  T R O U T  &  V E G E T A B L E S

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Humphrey Munson

Trout is full of omega-3 fatty acids and works wonderfully with roasted vegetables.

10. /  P U Y  L E N T I L  S T E W

Amelia Freer's 10 recipes for nourishing your body this January - Lentil soup - Humphrey Munson

This lentil stew is a winner – it ticks all the boxes for a simple, wholesome, nutritious, comforting supper.

Amelia’s new online course, The Joy of Healthy Eating (which you can read more about in a recent blog post here) is a great way to kick start a happier, healthier 2021. With 30 inspirational and beautifully filmed videos, useful handouts and five exclusive recipes, the course is yours to keep for life and you can do it all at your own pace. Order yours here.

Images: 1, 3, 5 – Jen Rich, 4 – Candida Boddington, 6, 7, 9 & 10 – Emma Goodwin, 8 – Simon Reed.

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